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Did you know that millions of dollars in public and private outside scholarship funds are available to qualified students? The funds you receive from outside scholarships could directly reduce the cost of your 重点大学 education.


我们建议在寻找其他可用的外部奖学金时, 使用诸如Education Planner之类的可信网站, 大学委员会, 奖学金或FastWeb. Any website or financial aid consultant asking for a fee to find college scholarships for you is only going to do what you can do yourself. Please take the time to research private and outside scholarships yourself or contact our office before you pay someone else to do it.

宾夕法尼亚州的餐厅 & 住宿协会教育基金会奖学金-截止日期为3月1日

奖学金项目由PRLA慈善基金会管理, 解放军教育基金会(PRLAEF). 它每年为宾夕法尼亚的学生提供在美国大学继续深造的机会 酒店行业. 自2006年该项目启动以来, PRLAEF已经奖励了150多美元,000美元的奖学金.


园艺/植物学:西方草本协会Kathryn Giarratani奖学金基金-截止3月31日

The Horticulture/Botany Scholarship: Kathryn Giarratani Scholarship Fund of the Western PA Unite of The Herb Society of America was created at The Pittsburgh Foundation to provide scholarships to college and graduate students following a career path in horticulture/botany or related field. 获奖者将获得为期一年的1000美元奖金.


  1. 优先考虑居住在宾夕法尼亚州西部的学生.
  2. Student is a full-time Junior or Senior pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree or a Post-Graduate degree in horticulture/botany/sustainability or related field.
  3. 学生的最低平均绩点为3分.0/B.
  4. 学生被以下学校之一录取:阿卡迪亚大学, 查塔姆大学, 特拉华山谷学院, 伊莉莎白学院, 重点大学, 弥赛亚大学, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 费城大学, 天普大学安伯勒学院, 维拉诺瓦大学, 或威尔逊学院.
  5. 学生写一篇至少一页的文章,概述职业目标和目的, 预期的课程以及为什么学习领域对他们很重要.

Awardee is encouraged to attend a meeting of the Western PA Unit and/or visit the herb gardens maintained by the Unit in Mellon Park and Old Economy Village.

Final selection of the scholarship winners will be decided (subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of The Pittsburgh Foundation) by a Scholarship Fund Committee. 非基金委员会成员, 或者他或她的直系亲属, 在基金委员会任职期间是否有资格申请奖学金.

匹兹堡基金会应将决定通知被选中的奖学金获得者. 奖学金将在匹兹堡基金会6月董事会会议后支付, 在学生确认他或她将就读的学校之后. 该学生将被支付给学校.


Corabelle Chappell纪念基金奖学金-截止日期为4月1日

科拉贝尔·查佩尔纪念基金奖学金为有资格的学生提供奖学金. 奖学金管理中心. (CSA)是一个非营利性的独立组织,是奖学金基金的促进者. 此机会适用于拉克万纳县平均成绩为2分的居民.5岁或以上.  应用 在线.



The purpose of this scholarship award is to provide financial assistance to a student to honor the life of Raoul Wallenberg, 一位因拯救100美元而受到赞誉的瑞典外交官,000名犹太人从纳粹手中逃到了布达佩斯. 第二次世界大战结束时,奥巴马先生. 瓦伦堡被苏联军队俘虏,从此杳无音讯. 该奖项的名称应为“拉乌尔·瓦伦堡奖学金”.”



  1. 学生应具备以下特点:
    1. 良好的公民意识和社区服务
    2. 财务需要
  2. All applicants shall submit an essay on the importance of diversity and the role of tolerance in their lives or the world, 一般.


The following criteria provide direction on how the applicant pool can be narrowed during the selection process. 这些标准并不完全排除潜在的申请人, 但要表明捐赠者对首选候选人的意愿:


  1. 曾获穷人之友执行董事及/或董事会提名
  2. 你是基斯顿学院的在校生或即将入学的学生吗


  1. 穷人之友 and 重点大学 shall advertise and distribute the scholarship application to all eligible students.
  2. 学生应完成申请并将其转交给SAF.
  3. SAF Scholarship Committee will be responsible for making the selection of the recipient based on the stated guidelines.
    a.) One (1) representative from The Raoul Wallenberg Scholarship Committee shall serve on the SAF Scholarship Committee, 如果这个委员会在做选择. 如有代表未能出席委员会会议,或未能回复提交意见的要求, 这一要求将被视为该历年的豁免.
  4. 如果没有收到来自Keystone学院以外学生的申请, 重点大学 shall be responsible for making the selection of the recipient based on the stated guidelines.
  5. 奖学金获得者将被通知“穷人之友”, 如果组织提交提名者.
  6. SAF will send a letter of congratulations to the recipient with details on how and when the scholarship will be paid to 重点大学 or the educational institution they are attending.
  7. This award shall be paid directly to 重点大学 or the educational institution they are attending for education expenses. 当受赠人在楔石学院有教育费用时 or the educational institution they are attending, the student shall send a copy of an invoice to SAF who will then issue a check payable to that college or university.


斯克兰顿地区基金会的宽容奖学金- 4月15日到期





  1. 学生应具备以下特点:
    1. 学术成就
    2. 良好的公民意识和对他人的服务
    3. 领导
    4. 社区服务
  2. 基斯顿学院的在校生或即将入学的学生
  3. All applicants shall submit an essay on the importance of diversity and the role of tolerance in their lives or the world, 一般.


The following criteria provide direction on how the applicant pool can be narrowed during the selection process. 这些标准并不完全排除潜在的申请人, 但要表明捐赠者对首选候选人的意愿:


  1. 曾获穷人之友执行董事及/或董事会提名
  2. 被费城的地图计划提名过吗.
  3. 有明确的经济需求.


  1. 穷人之友, 地图程序, and 重点大学 shall advertise and distribute the scholarship application to all eligible students.
  2. SAF Scholarship Committee will be responsible for making the selection of the recipient based on the stated guidelines.
    a). One (1) representative from The Tolerance Scholarship Committee shall serve on the SAF Scholarship Committee, 如果这个委员会在做选择. 如有代表未能出席委员会会议,或未能回复提交意见的要求, 这一要求将被视为该历年的豁免.
  3. 如果没有收到来自Keystone学院以外学生的申请, 重点大学 shall be responsible for making the selection of the recipient based on the stated guidelines.
  4. SAF将通知穷人之友和/或地图计划的奖学金获得者, 如果任何一个组织提交提名者.
  5. SAF will send a letter of congratulations to the recipient with details on how and when the scholarship will be paid to 重点大学.
  6. 该奖项将直接支付给Keystone学院作为教育费用. 当受赠人在楔石学院有教育费用时, the student shall send a copy of an invoice to SAF who will then issue a check payable to that college or university.



宾夕法尼亚独立学院和大学协会(AICUP), the only statewide organization that serves exclusively the interests of private higher education within the Commonwealth, 为补充和支持校园领导的工作而存在. These scholarships are reserved for students who have shown an extraordinary commitment to community service 他们在志愿者活动中表现出创造性. The selection committee takes great pleasure in choosing scholarship recipients from among the wonderfully talented, 有爱心的学生就读于我们的会员院校. 每年的选择都很困难, 但是结果——让学生们有能力为他们的社区服务——是非常值得的.

  • UPS奖学金 -今年UPS奖学金基金将提供3美元的奖学金礼物,每个AICUP成员机构, 颁发给学校选出的一名学生.
  • 英联邦好公民奖学金 - 2美元的奖学金,500英镑是留给那些在社区服务方面表现出色的学生的, 他们在志愿者活动中表现出创造性.

Students and parents who are interested in the scholarships should contact their 重点大学’s Financial Aid office to apply.

申请截止日期: 6月15日


安德鲁。J. 麦高恩立博平台奖学金-截止日期为8月1日

安德鲁。J. McGowan Cornerstone Scholarship was established in 2007 by the non-profit community organizations that knew and experienced Msgr. 麦高恩对社区无私的支持. 麦高恩主教相信上帝、家庭和社区. 为了纪念他,安德鲁J. McGowan Cornerstone Scholarship is awarded annually to students pursuing education at one of the regional academic institutions to which Monsignor devoted his time and service.

的Msgr. McGowan Cornerstone Scholarship Committee encourages students to live and practice their chosen profession within Northeastern Pennsylvania so as to make a lasting contribution for the improvement of their home community in much the same spirit as Monsignor McGowan. 请参阅附件的个人资料.

Recipient must have their legal residence within the nine (9) county territory of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

  • 布拉德福德
  • 哥伦比亚
  • 拉克万纳
  • 位于卢塞恩
  • 派克
  • 沙利文
  • 萨斯奎哈纳
  • 韦恩
  • 怀俄明


  • 盟军德保罗诵读困难儿童学校
  • 重点大学
  • 国王学院
  • Marywood大学
  • Misericordia大学
  • 圣玛丽山学院
  • 斯克兰顿大学


  • The Recipient must be a full-time incoming or current undergraduate student fully committed to attending 重点大学.
  • 受奖人必须有一个长期的承诺,在他/她的社区服务他人.
  • 获奖者必须具有成功的领导经验.
  • 受奖人必须具有高尚的道德品质.
  • 获奖者必须是一名努力学习的学生,能够充分发挥其学术能力.
  • 接收人必须证明有经济需要.

申请截止日期: 8月1日



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